AMI ROM Tool - AFUWIN Description : AMI Firmware Update utility(APTIO) for pure 64bits WINDOWS. Release Date : Source Control Location : SS: AptioV;$/AptioV/RomUtils/Afu/AfuWin/64; Reference Document : readme.txt readme_afuwin.txt AMI_AptioV_AFU_User_Guide_NDA.pdf Known Issues : Use "/Rn" parameter will have no effect or caused an exception error, when the SMBIOS module version is between "4.6.1_ALPHA_01.26.2_DMIRW_TEST" and "(INT)4.6.1_ALPHA_01.29_Type39". Release Notes: ============================================================================== [AFU][Fixed] 1. Fixed issue where MEUL CAPSULE does not execute normally. 2. Fixed issue where when BIOS does not include SLP Key, the function of checking SLP will inspect the size, which results in AFU crash. [EIP258017][EIP258384][EIP258901][EIP257903] 3. Fixed issue where AFU cannot write verify when Block size is 64KB. [EIP242783] 4. Fixed issue where always display Error of 0x4A when using /hole:. [EIP259374] 5. Fixed issue where cannot Write and Verify when inspect Data is Aligment. [AFU][Added] 1. Added support more ME region.[EIP256965] [AFU][Changed] 1. Changed the file size of modifying MEUL as the size of default memory of MEUL. [Windows GUI][Fixed] 1. Fixed issue where AFUWINGUI cannot get Core Version, Project Version, Firmware ID, and Firmware GUID. 2. Fixed issue where the boundary of right side interface in Windows 10 by AFUWINGUI. 3. Fixed issue where AFUWINGUI Copyright is 2016. [Linux][Fixed] 1. Fixed issue where the error of Linux when using /makedrv and /gendrv. ============================================================================== [AFU][Fixed] 01. Fixed issue where /hole: always replies an error of 0x4B Error: SLP key is not empty at all. [EIP254169] 02. Fixed issue where GetPattern will not display the error message. 03. Fixed issue where tool cannot update MSDN immediately when OA3.0 using FID location. [EIP253279] [Windows][Fixed] 01. Fixed issue where AFUWIN using /A will result in system crash issue. [EIP253279] ============================================================================== 5.08.01 [AFU][Fixed] 01. Fixed issue where /p /b detect SLP Data whether is NULL or not. 02. Fixed issue where sending twice smi0x20/0x24 when recovery and capsule. [EIP248734] 03. Fixed issue where AFU results in memory overloading by ME DATA Check when ROM file is less than FLASH_PAGE_SIZE. [EIP225601] 04. Fixed issue where simultaneously Buffering will make the wrong size simultaneously which results in wrong data of Flash buffer. [EIP232707] 05. Fixed issue where Verify module cannot show ROM size fail. 06. Fixed issue where 2+2Mode cannot pass through verification of Secure flash. 07. Fixed issue where system cannot stop when GetPatternrom finds out errors. [AFU][Added] 01. Added ETA_BUILD Usagehead which can add a string of "Manufacture". 02. Added error message of write-once. [EIP243432] 03. Added SKL platform whcih can use PS2 keyboard to input password in EFI. 04. Added /A and /OAD which add 2+2mode. [AFU][Changed] 01. Changed Usagehead from 2015 to 2016. 02. Changed /l /ln /hole: /a command whcih adds feature of write-once. [EIP243432] 03. Changed search solution of SMBIOS DATA from orginally searching Main block and Boot block to expanding to search all of ROM DATA. [EIP234657] [Linux][Fixed] 01. Fixed issue where Get ACPI TABLE cannot find out the error of DSTD TABLE during LINUX UEFI BOOT. [EIP233270] [Linux][Added] 01. Added to support ubuntu 15.10 which can generate a flash driver. [EIP247183] [Windows GUI][Fixed] 01. Fixed issue where system will not do "Exit button Disable" during WINGUI auto run. [Windows GUI][Added] 01. Added AFUWINGUI can identify windows 10. [EFI][Fixed] 01. Fixed issue where getting the wrong size due to free memory in advance when EFI in Get ACPI Table. [EIP238562] ============================================================================== 5.08.00 [AFU][New] 01.Add support Check ACPI Table "BIMC" would run 2x2 mode.[EIP179199] 02.Add support SmiFlash_17;[EIP204308] 03.Add supports ME capsule update function.[EIP205035] 04.Add support OFBD MFG control. [AFU][Modify] 01.Modify more condition to identify the SLP2.0 key is empty or not.[EIP215239] [AFU][FIX] 01.Fix OFBD Get Pattern of Rom File would show other error message.[EIP204355] 02.Fix /cmd:{xxx} command can't use issue.[EIP215444] ============================================================================== 5.07.01 [AFU][New] 01.Add error message for OEM CMD Checking module. 02.Add support SMBIOS data in FV_DATA. 03.Add support /cmd: command. 04.Add support watchdog value restore.[EIP197706] [AFU][FIX] 01.Fix oemcmd and cmd together use have crash issue. 02.Fix oem get pattern of rom file debug message have not disabled. 03.Fix Windows driver. [AFU][Modify] 01.Modify command: "/OAD", remove upload bin file to BIOS verify step.[[MY6] AFU tool /OAD fail] ============================================================================== 5.07.00 [AFU][New] 01.Add new's command /JBC.[EIP174535]. 02.Add new's command /MEUL.[EIP174535]. 03.Add new's feature /Recovery:, AFU will copy rom file to specified directory.(Rom file can't auto delete.) 04.Add new's OFBD module Get Patten Module.[EIP159961] 05.Add new's capsule:0 ,AFU run capsule mode will enable shutdown step. 06.Add support Android OS AFU Linux Version.[EIP159621] 07.Add new hide command /b2.[EIP164320] [AFU][Modify] 01.Modify disable all hide commands. 02.Modify command:"/d", show capsule header check string, form "ok/fail" to "Enable/Disable". 03.Modify printf flash message way, reduce the frequency of use of printf function. 04.Modify init platform step, AFU will priority use "Runtime memory hole". [AFU][FIX] 01.Fix Aptio5 rom file have many _FVH string, it will cause AFU check FFS error. 02.Fix AFU can't show OFBD_CFG BIOS report error. 03.Fix update SLP key AFU will modify ffs attribute issue, this issue will cause secure flash verify fail.[EIP162159] 04.Fix rom file check sum will cause AFU execute crash. 05.Fix hide command "/cmd:" /Axxx.bin + /cmd:{xxx} issue. 06.Fix hide command "/oemcmd:" /Axxx.bin + /oemcmd:xxx issue. [WIN][Modify] 01.Modify add check driver version function. 02.Modify AFU only delete windows driver made by UCP produced, It will not delete all driver. [WIN][FIX] 01.Fix when use UCP add driver into AFU. From another directory call AFU, It will decompress into wrong directory, cause AFU can't find driver. [WINGUI][FIX] 01.Fix AFUWINGUI use command /LR will show error message issue. 02.Fix AFUWINGUI have add rom file and add command. In command line, input command run AFUWINGUI, it will show Unknown command message box. ============================================================================== 5.06.01 [AFU] 1.Fix Alignment RomHole block issue bring SLP2.0 offset calculate error. 2.After flash error, afu will add blank line continue print error message. 3.Add check aptio platform's feature. 4.Add new egm command sfmdt:n1:n2.[EIP151370] 5.Add new egm command preset:n. 6.Add new command /MEUL. [AFU-WIN] 1.Fix when use ucp adding windows driver to AFU inside, afu will decompress to error path. [Error Message] 1.Error: Using the wrong AFU version, Please use Aptio 4 AFU. 2.Error: Using the wrong AFU version, Please use Aptio 5 AFU. ============================================================================== 5.06.00 [AFU] 1.Fix ECX erase szie issue.[EIP105071] 2.Fix UCP insert ROM file AFU can't open issue. 3.Fix command /OAD can't flash issue, when secure flash enable. 4.Fix, AFU can't find FID OA key issue, when ROM data have many _FVH string. 5.Fix When NVRAM is full, and SMIBIOS data in NVRAM, AFU can't preserve this data. 6.Fix When flash /p /b /n add /me command, AFU will not preserve need preserve data. 7.Fix When ROM Hole size exceed two block size, /holeout bin file is not right data. 8.Fix When new rom Rom Hole offset different old rom rom hole offset, use /p /b /n /ln, ln rom hole data will be update to old rom offset.[EIP157284] 9.Modify Copright to 2014. 10.Modify when use command /ln, AFU check platform have not rom hole, AFU will show, "Error: Rom Hole not exist." [Error Message Change] 1."Error: OA Data invalid." to "Error: OA key data is invalid." 2."Error: OA key is not NULL at all. And OA Key is the same as Bin File in system." to "Error: OA key is not empty at all. And OA Key is the same as Bin File in system." 3."Error: OA key is NULL at all already." to "Error: OA key is empty at all already." 4."Error: OA key is not NULL at all. And OA Key is no the same as Bin File in system." to "Error: OA key is not empty at all. And OA Key is no the same as Bin File in system." 5."Error: Unable to start a Secure Flash session." to "Error: Secure Flash Rom Verify fail." ============================================================================== 5.05.04 [AFU] 1.Fix SMBIOS Data can't restore, when SMBIOS Data in NVRAM and NVRAM is full. [EIP145538],[EIP145305] ============================================================================== 5.05.03 [AFU] 1.Change Version 3.05.02 to 5.05.03. 2.Fix check EC bin file header data return result error. 3.Fix Rom Hole does not Alignment block error.[EIP143348] [AFUGUI-MFC] 1.Fix WINGUI Show OFBD ROM ID Check dialog issue.[ECR191374] 2.Fix WINGUI Show OFBD EC dialog issue.